Frankl's Conjecture for a subclass of semimodular lattices

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Mathematics, Savitribai Phule Pune University (Formerly, University of Pune) Ganeshkhind Road, Pune - 411007

2 Department of Mathematics, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-411007, India.



 In this paper, we prove Frankl's Conjecture for an upper semimodular lattice $L$ such that $|J(L)\setminus A(L)| \leq 3$, where $J(L)$ and $A(L)$ are the set of join-irreducible elements and the set of atoms respectively. It is known that the class of planar lattices is contained in the class of dismantlable lattices and the class of dismantlable lattices is contained in the class of lattices having breadth at most two.  We provide a very short proof of the Conjecture for the class of lattices having breadth at most two. This generalizes the results of Joshi, Waphare and Kavishwar as well as Czédli and Schmidt.


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