Combinatorial approach of the category $\Theta_0$ of cubical pasting diagrams

Document Type : Research Paper


Laboratoire de Math\'ematiques d'Orsay, UMR 8628, Universit\'e de Paris-Saclay and CNRS, B\^atiment 307, Facult\'e des Sciences d'Orsay, 94015 ORSAY Cedex, France.


In globular higher category theory the small category $\Theta_0$ of finite rooted trees plays an important role: for example the objects of $\Theta_0$ are the arities of the operations inside the free globular $\omega$-operad $\mathbb{B}^0$ of Batanin, which $\mathbb{B}^0$-algebras are models of globular weak $\infty$-categories; also this globular $\Theta_0$ is an important tool to build the coherator $\Theta^{\infty}_{W^0}$ of Grothendieck which ${\mathbb{S}\text{ets}}$-models are globular weak $\infty$-groupoids. Cubical higher category needs similarly its $\Theta_0$. In this work we describe, combinatorially, the small category $\Theta_0$ which objects are cubical pasting diagrams and which morphisms are morphisms of cubical sets. 


Main Subjects

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