On C-injective generalized hyper S-acts

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Mathematics, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Pure Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

3 Department of Mathematics, Tafresh University, Tafresh 39518- 79611, Iran


This paper explores generalized hyper S-acts (GHS-acts) over a hypermonoid S as generalizations of monoid acts within the context of algebraic hyperstructures. Specifically, we extend the definition of C-injectivity to GHS-acts and investigate their internal and homological properties. It is established that for being GHS-injectivity of GHS-acts with a fixed element, it suffices to consider all
inclusions from cyclic GHS-subacts into indecomposable ones. Then we introduce
new concepts known as semi-injectivity and semi-C-injectivity. By providing examples, we demonstrate that injectivity and semi-injectivity (C-injectivity and semiC-injectivity) are different concepts for GHS-acts, whereas they are the same in the context of acts over monoids. It is also shown that all pure GHS-acts are injective if and only if all pure cyclic GHS-acts are C-injective. Furthermore, we establish an equivalent condition on a hypermonoid S such that all quotients of SS exhibit semi-injectivity. Finally, we derive an equivalent condition for a hypermonoid to be
classified as semi-injective.


Main Subjects

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